A PENARTH woman is preparing to run her first full marathon - and will also host a charity event - to raise awareness of housing and homelessness charity Shelter.

Rachel Dickens, 29, felt compelled to undertake the campaign because of what she sees as an ‘unacceptable level of homelessness and bad housing across the UK’.

"We are the fourth richest country in the world and yet millions of people in Britain wake up every day in housing which is run down, overcrowded, or dangerous," she said.

"That’s if they have a home at all."

Rachel, who is co-ordinator for the Amy Evans Community Mental Health Team in Barry, said: "In my opinion such issues rob people of security, health and a fair chance in life.

"Daily in my job I see the difficulties that people in bad housing situations suffer from, and I think it’s terrible.

"71,000 children woke up this Christmas in temporary accommodation without the safety or security of a home of their own," she added.

"Shelter works tirelessly to eliminate some of the distress caused by homelessness and bad housing."

Rachel has been training daily for the London Marathon since October, and travelled to London to complete part of the course last weekend.

"It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and I said I would do it before I am 30 - so here I am," said Rachel.

"It’s for a worthy cause - but it’s still hard!"

As well as running the 26-mile race, Rachel has organised a ‘frock swap’ for Sunday, February 13 at St Augustine’s church hall, Albert Road, Penarth.

"All you have to do is find some items of clothing you wish to swap and bring them along to the hall at 11am," said Rachel.

"You will get a token for each item of clothing and then when the doors open at 1pm, you can swap each token for a piece of clothing donated by someone else.

"We want people to clear out their drawers and come and bag themselves a new wardrobe!"

Admission to the event will be £5 with all proceeds donated to Shelter.

Tea and cakes will also be served.

To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/Rachel-Dickens