IF YOU wanted Penarth all to yourself during this holiday season, you might have to think again.

In a summer where staycation is the buzzword, Penarth has come out as second favourite for Britain’s best holiday destination, according to data gathered by The Solar Centre.

Marked on temperature, beaches, fish and chips, price of a pint, parking prices and more, Penarth would have pinched top spot if it wasn’t for Deal in Kent ("who?", we hear you ask).

Penarth Times: Solar Centre's top five resorts, according to dataSolar Centre's top five resorts, according to data

91 seaside resorts were examined using statistical analysis on ten different data points.

Out of all the towns assessed, Penarth easily had the highest average rating from Google reviews on fish and chips restaurants - a brilliant ten points, smashing closest competitor Dunoon, Argylle and Bute (8.62).

Visitors to Penarth needn’t fear social distancing either, with a recently opened chippy, Beachcliff, offering Covid-safe deliveries from their restaurant in The Esplanade (it’s also just been afforded a licence for late night drinking).

Penarth Times:

Unsurprisingly, the overall bottom ten is dominated by seaside areas of Scotland, largely due to their lower scores in the climate categories, like water temperature.

Dunbar comes out bottom of the bunch with the lowest score in the UK for quality of beaches. It also scores poorly for quality of fish and chips eateries and for its pricier beer.

Notable exclusions from the top 20 are Bournemouth, Brighton and Blackpool.

Penarth Times: Picture: Christine MuirPicture: Christine Muir

Brian Davenport, Director of The Solar Centre, said: “While it is necessary to try and return the economy to a healthy state and keep tourism strong in the UK, it is also crucial that we take care when planning holidays.

"When choosing to take a trip to the beach, we must ensure the safety of others and act in a responsible way.”

To see the full data set for each seaside resort, including how they rate for other categories, visit https://www.thesolarcentre.co.uk/uk-seaside-resorts/index.html.