CASES of covid-19 have now been identified in four Barry schools following the whole-school returns at the beginning of this month, September.

Secondary school, Whitmore High, and three primary schools – Oak Field, Jenner Park, and High Street – all have incidences with more than 100 children required to self-isolate.

Schools in Wales closed in March this year ahead of the national UK lockdown in response to the coronavirus pandemic – but ‘hub schools’ were open to children whose families were key workers.

Phased re-opening, for pupils from all year groups for limited periods during the week, began in Wales on June 29.


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Whitmore High School was the first school to be identified as having a covid-19 case – with 39 of the secondary school pupils having to self-isolate.

A Vale of Glamorgan Council spokesman said: “Whitmore High School has been informed by the NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect system that one of its pupils tested positive for covid-19.

“The school and council have been working closely with Public Health Wales to undertake a comprehensive risk assessment of the situation and 39 pupils have been asked to self-isolate for a period of 14 days.

“The school will remain open to other pupils.

“In addition to social distancing and safety measures in place, a deep clean of the school has been carried out.

“Test Trace and Protect officers are also carrying out all necessary follow-on activity.”

In the three primary schools, a total of 77 pupils and 19 staff altogether are required to self-isolate.

A Vale council spokesman said: “Oak Field Primary School has been informed by the NHS Wales Test, Trace and Protect system that one of its pupils tested positive for covid-19.

“The school and council have been working closely with Public Health Wales to undertake a comprehensive risk assessment of the situation.

“Following this, 34 pupils and seven members of staff have been asked to self-isolate for a period of 14 days.

“The school will remain open to other pupils.

“In addition to social distancing and safety measures in place, a deep clean of the school has been carried out.

"Test Trace and Protect officers are also carrying out all necessary follow-on activity.”

An parent, whose children attend Oak Field Primary School, in Gibbonsdown, said: “I won't be sending my children back to school now as I believe the school as a whole should have to self-isolate; not just a few individual children.

“How do you explain to a child they cannot go to school or leave the house, but their siblings can?

“It makes no sense.

“Numbers are rising, but how many of these children that have to self-isolate will actually have tests to know?

“Their siblings are likely to contract it too if they do have it.”

The council spokesman added that in High Street Primary School there were six pupils and five members of staff self-isolating; with Jenner Park Primary School having 18 reception pupils and four members of staff self-isolating, and 19 children and three members of staff self-isolating from the Year 3 group.