READERS and local businesses are being urged to support this paper's cost of living crisis appeal.

Our Communities Together, launched last week, is a partnership between the Penarth Times publisher Newsquest and the Community Foundation Wales.

The aim is to help those most in need through the ongoing cost of living crisis.

The region's politicians have voiced support for the appeal.

Vale of Glamorgan MP, Alun Cairns said: ''It is great to see Newsquest is working with Community Foundation Wales to launch their Communities Together appeal.

Penarth Times: Our Communities Together appeal logo

"We all acknowledge things are challenging at the moment, especially for families with the cost of living so it is really heartening to see this community initiative that aims to provide support across areas of South Wales, including Barry.

"Every pound really does count, because every pound will become £2 and be given as grants to community programs that help people every day. I would urge readers and local businesses to get involved and support this appeal.''

Regional Senedd member and Conservative group leader Andrew RT Davies said, "The after effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and Putin's war on Ukraine have resulted in a huge increase in the cost of living across the West.

"The impacts of these price increases are felt most deeply by the poorest and most vulnerable in our society. We can all play our part to help them, and this appeal will do just that.

"I'd like to commend Newsquest for their effort, and please join me in backing the campaign."

Stephen Doughty, Labour MP for Penarth, added: “The cost-of-living crisis is hitting people hard – energy costs have spiralled, the cost of the weekly shop has soared, and people are facing very difficult choices.

"We have so many wonderful small organisations locally who are out there helping and supporting people every day – from lunch clubs for older people, facilities offering a warm space and a hot drink, help with childcare enabling parents to work, or those offering essential food supplies and advice on managing debt.

"By supporting this campaign you’ll be helping them to support people in our local communities.

"Times are tough for everyone right now, but I would encourage anyone who can to donate – however small an amount.”

The money raised will be given out in grants to local organisations through Community Foundation Wales.

Editor Gavin Thompson said: “We know that community groups that work on the frontline are the best way to reach people quickly with the help they need."

You can donate by scanning the QR code below with your camera phone, which takes you to the donations website. Or you can visit

Penarth Times: QR

Donations from readers up to a total value of £25,000 will be match funded as will business donations, up to the same value.