Potholes being a thing of the past, that’s the dream, and in the Vale it could become true as the council employ a super sophisticated new piece of kit that repairs potholes in just eight minutes!

JCB Pothole Pro machine is a pothole killer that crops, cuts and cleans the repair from potholes all in one go, reducing the time it takes to fill a pothole from one hour to eight minutes.

It comes as the Road Maintenance Survey Report 2023, which takes a snapshot of the condition of the local road networks across the UK, was described as “bleak reading” by its chair Rick Green.

The JCB Pothole Pro could be about to change that though, with JCB’s Ben Rawding saying the “revolutionary machine” will save time and money, “just add tar!”

JCB say the Pro provides permanent repair, with no reoffending potholes occurring.

Penarth Times:

The JCB Pothole Pro cuts, crops and cleans the debris from potholes all in one. Photo Jane Hydon

When the Vale of Glamorgan Council heard about this, they jumped at the chance to have one in their highways arsenal – especially considering the Pro reduces the price to repair a pothole from £60 to a basement bargain price of £30.

A Vale of Glamorgan Council spokesperson confirmed the JCB Pothole Pro machine is in action in the county, owned and operated by the council’s externally appointed contractor.

The spokesperson said: “This recently-purchased machine is used at various locations throughout the Vale, dependant on the physical size of the hole that has been identified by the Highway Maintenance team for repair.

“The Contractor has already reported back an increase in productivity since its introduction, while 34 members of staff also work throughout the day to address highway defects.”

Penarth Times:

The machine reduces the time to fill potholes from one hour to eight minutes! Photo Jane Hydon

One in every 9 miles of local road network in England and Wales likely to require maintenance in next 12 months

Each year the Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA) commissions an independent survey of local authority highway departments in England and Wales, with the aim to take a snapshot of the general condition of the local road network.

In the latest survey, published on March 21, chair Rick Green said the report made for “bleak” reading.

“Local roads underpin all other local services, but findings show a worsening picture in their overall conditions and the means to improve them,” said Mr Green.

Incredibly, the survey estimated a one-time catch-up of bringing all the roads up to scratch would take 11 years to complete at a cost of a massive £14billion.

Mr Green went on to say while the findings were bleak, they were not unsurprising.

“Resurfacing now takes place, on average, less than once every 100 years,” said Mr Green. “Local authority highway budget shortfalls in 2022/23 were up to record levels and the cost of the backlog of repairs to bring the network up to scratch is, at just over £14 billion, the highest it has been.

“Rising costs due to inflationary pressures mean that despite a moderate increase in overall local highway maintenance budgets, engineers can do less, and many have been forced to postpone or cancel road schemes to make savings.”

Where should the pothole-smashing JCB Pothole Pro go in the Vale? What road desperately needs resurfacing? Is this money well spent, or a waste of the public purse? Let us know in comments on our Facebook page, on Instagram, or at harry.jamshidian@newsquest.co.uk.