A MUM-of-three is tricking lovers of sweet treats with fake liquorice allsorts and Battenberg cake - made out of pebbles.

Anna Llewellyn, 52, paints realistic tasty treats without the calories on small stones.

The self-taught painter was inspired by a beach walk a few years ago before deciding to use the pebbles as a canvas.

Her designs include boxes of Ferrero Rocher, yellow and pink Battenberg cake and bowls of multicoloured liquorice allsorts.

Penarth Times:

The realistic pebble art created by Anna Llewellyn

Anna, from Penarth, said: "I find a pebble and it's almost like the natural shape of it determines what I'm going to paint on it.

"I love giving people my painted pebbles for presents - instead of a real box of chocolates they'll get a chocolate box filled with painted stones resembling chocolates.

"I did some Ferrero Rocher a few days ago. They look delicious but without the calories.

Penarth Times:

These pebbles look good enough to eat

"When my children give presents to their teachers instead of generic gifts from the supermarket I give them a bowl of pebbles painted as strawberries or chocolates. They really do go down a treat.

"My family always wonder what surprise I am going to give them."

Anna, who is originally from Hungary, has three children with additional needs and says her art is a great way to relax.

She added: "I've got three children all with special needs so life is pretty hectic and demanding.

"But when I get a bit of quiet time I paint some pebbles and it really helps to release all my worries because you have to concentrate when you are painting."

Anna has also created music-themed pebbles of instruments and even recreated The Beatles' Abbey Road image.