A PENARTH business has thanked the public for its support after it recently celebrated 25 years on the high street.

That’s no mean feat considering the Penarth Times has reported business comings and goings in the town equivalent to a revolving door.

Since I’ve covered the paper, I’ve seen Shaws close, M&Co go, Peacocks open, a flea market come and go, new travel agents in town, businesses such as the highly skilled Apothecary 69 threaten to shut, and a pub described as ‘the social fabric of the town’ close, only for another set to move in.

However, in one corner of Penarth, there’s been consistency for the past quarter of a century in the form of beauty salon Beauty Within.

Rachel Laity first opened the salon doors in May 1999 with her then business partner Amanda Knight.

When Ms Knight stepped away to bring up her family, Vicky John joined Ms Laity and they have continued their success together.

Beauty Within going strong on Cornerswell RoadBeauty Within going strong on Cornerswell Road (Image: Newsquest)

Rachel Laity spoke about her time in business in the town, saying she was a bit naïve at the start.

“When I started out in 1999 in my early twenties, naively I never looked at a long-term business plan,” admitted Rachel, “I just went to work and enjoyed it for everything it was. I can honestly say that I still feel this way today.”

Rachel described what it’s been like for her business in Penarth, particularly in the recovery from Covid.

“Business has changed so much in the last 25 years,” said Rachel. “It's been harder for small businesses like ours to keep going. However, I do believe there is room for everyone to thrive here in Penarth, and it's important we all continue to support each other and maintain a presence in the high street.”

Rachel Laity (right) and Vicky JohnRachel Laity (right) and Vicky John (Image: Supplied)

The salon has been a popular business in PenarthThe salon has been a popular business in Penarth (Image: Newsquest)

Rachel explained one of the keys to surviving is adapting to new ways and the crucial element she highlighted was the consistent loyalty Beauty Within have from their clients.

“Many of them have been on the journey with us from the start,” said Rachel, “we never take this for granted.”

Any advice for those mad enough to open a shop on the high street right now?

“I say, just do it,” said Rachel. “If you have passion and aren't afraid of hard work, it could be the best decision you will  ever make!”

The salon is situated on Cornerswell Road Penarth and is open Tuesday to Saturday with evening appointments also available.

For more information you can contact them on 02920 700400.

Got a story in Penarth? Email harry.jamshidian@newsquest.co.uk.