A Penarth nursery team has won a prestigious teaching award.

The Early Years Foundation Stage Team at Little Westbourne Nursery was recognised as a Silver Award winner in the highly regarded Pearson National Teaching Awards, lauded for their exceptional contributions to education.

The diligent team from Penarth formed part of the four educators awarded from Wales, selected from among thousands of nominees.

The team won the Silver Award for Early Years Team of the Year.

These dedicated educators joined a total of 102 distinguished winners comprising of teachers, lecturers, leaders, support staff, and institutions from across the UK.

Justifying the accolade for these educational stalwarts, Sir Michael Morpurgo, author, former Children’s Laureate, and president of the Teaching Awards Trust, shed light on the significance of this achievement.

Sir Morpurgo said: "The work and devotion of all of those who play a role in educating young people is phenomenal.

"Not only do they play a vital role in shaping minds inside the classroom, often they continue to encourage, support, motivate and inspire beyond.

"That’s why it is important for us to take a moment on this National Thank a Teacher Day to recognise their efforts."

The Silver Award winners, including Little Westbourne Nursery's team, will now be considered for the top-tier Gold Award, the results of which are expected to be declared later this year in a ceremony.

These revelations were made on National Thank a Teacher Day (June 19), an initiative proposed to commemorate the essential contributions made by educators working tirelessly for their students, championed by the Teaching Awards Trust.

Seizing the opportunity to praise the winners, Sharon Hague, managing director of school assessment and qualifications at Pearson UK, acknowledged their invaluable efforts.

Ms Hague stated: "We're delighted to recognise this year’s Silver Award winners on their outstanding achievements.

"The contributions they make and the impact they have on young people’s lives every day is truly exceptional.

"We're extremely proud to support the National Teaching Awards and mark the achievements of all of our very worthy winners.

"Thank you for your continued work and congratulations!"

The Pearson National Teaching Awards, along with National Thank a Teacher Day, are spearheaded by the Teaching Awards Trust, an independent charity committed to highlighting the transforming effect of education, and educators' crucial roles in inspiring future generations.