A Penarth school has won three teaching awards.

Westbourne School was awarded the Silver Award for Early Years Team of the Year 2024 in the Pearson National Teaching Awards, beating out thousands of nominees.

In addition, Westbourne celebrated success in two other categories.

The school's digital director, Stuart Ayres, won Innovator of the Year 2024 and headteacher Joanne Chinnock was recognised as Headteacher of the Year 2024.

To express the significance of these achievements, Michael Morpurgo, president of the Teaching Awards Trust, said: "The work and devotion of all of those who play a role in educating young people is phenomenal.

"I am thrilled to be able to congratulate this year’s Silver Award winners."

The Silver Awards put Westbourne's Early Years Team in the running for the prestigious Gold Awards to be announced later this year.

Today, the school is celebrating National Thank a Teacher Day with a special tea party and summer fête.

Miss Chinnock said: "To be recognised in not one, but three categories in the most prestigious education awards in the UK is absolutely fantastic, we are so, so thrilled."

"Our Early Years team epitomises the nurturing approach for which Westbourne is known, playing a pivotal role.

"Our children are happy, healthy, vivacious young learners with a palpable curiosity for the world around them, and it is our wonderful team that brings that out in them day in, day out."

Led by Stuart Ayres, Westbourne School has demonstrated innovative use of technology, incorporating AI-assisted learning and virtual reality, revolutionising the learning experience. This has been shown to give the students tools to do deeper research and think more broadly.

This approach earned the school its Innovator of the Year 2024 accolade.

Westbourne's trailblazing efforts extend to its nursery.

The Little Westbourne Nursery, rated Excellent by CIW, offers children a personalised learning plan catering to their developmental needs. They also offer a 'family-orientated, caring, warm, “home-from-home” experience' and an exhilarating learning journey for children that supports their transition to primary school, with weekly transition sessions in Reception.