A MAN has been found guilty of sexually assault another man in the Vale.

Guy Watson, 33, gave oral sex to his victim, who claimed he was straight, and snorted cocaine off his victim’s penis.

Watson, of Royal Buildings, Stanwell Road, Penarth, was found guilty after a weeklong trial at Cardiff Crown Court, which ran from June 10 to June 14, on seven charges consisting of sexual assault and causing a male to engage in penetrative sexual activity.

In December 2022, Watson’s victim had been out for a drive with one of his friends, sitting in the passenger seat drinking wine from a water bottle.

When he got back home he still wanted to go out so messaged round to see if anyone wanted to join him.

Watson responded and picked the complainant up.

After drinking in Wetherspoons in Barry they eventually ended up back at Watson’s flat where they continued drinking and listening to music. It was here the victim’s memory goes hazy.

He claims he woke up the next morning, not remembering anything, while wearing the defendant’s denim shorts.

Videos the defendant found on his phone days after the incident gave clues as to what happened in the period of his temporary memory loss.

They showed Watson giving the complainant oral sex and snorting cocaine off his penis.

In defence of Watson, his barrister challenged the fact the complainant, who said he was so intoxicated to the point he lost his memory, was still able to record the incident on his phone.

Despite the complainant saying he liked women and was not gay, Watson’s defence challenged his actions that night to suggest maybe he wasn’t entirely heterosexual.

“What are you doing if you are openly straight, allowing a man who is openly gay, to give you a massage when you have been out drinking?”

Watson’s defence went on to claim: “Then you allow him to suck your penis.”

However, despite this, and after Watson’s victim stated he “was straight” and “liked women”, a jury found Watson guilty of seven charges, five of sexual assault and two of causing a male to engage in penetrative sexual activity.

Watson was remanded in custody and will be sentenced in July.