OFFICERS have uncovered a drugs farm in a former bank building, with one man arrested.

A police force has confirmed that officers found a cannabis factory in an abandoned property in Penarth town centre at around 1.30pm on Thursday, June 20.

A spokesperson for South Wales Police, said they have arrested a 35-year-old man on "suspicion of cultivation of cannabis and abstracting electricity."

Update: Man charged after cannabis farm discovered in Penarth. Click here for the story

The former HSBC building on Herbert Terrace was the site of the cannabis factory.The former HSBC building on Herbert Terrace was the site of the cannabis factory. (Image: Google)

The former HSBC building on Herbert Terrace was the site of the cannabis factory.

An eye witness described the cannabis farm as "quite large and substantial," and said electricity technicians had "ran a wire from the old bank to the electricity supply to get power that way."

They also said five or six police cars were in attendance, "which is a sight in Penarth".

Officers have confirmed that enquiries are ongoing.