Tomorrow the Senedd will vote on a matter that is vital to the future of Welsh news.

The vote is on reforms to council tax in Wales. You might ask what has this got to do with local news?

At present, councils are required to publish a notice in a printed newspaper should they make changes to council tax bills, as they do each year. Similar statutory notices are required for planning applications, road closures and other such matters.

These notices ensure that local people are kept informed and they mean local authorities must put such matters out for public scrutiny. In this digital age, publishing them in newspapers in the relevant local area ensures the digitally excluded are not shut out of local democracy and decision making.

They have also become a vital source of revenue for local news. Without public notices, many local newspapers in Wales may not continue.

They are not a subsidy, they provide vital income that supports public interest journalism, but in return a service is delivered that aids local people as well as local authorities.

This is now under threat. The Local Government Finance Bill as it stands will remove the duty around council tax notices. It will not end there. Regardless of whether the intent is extend this other areas, it is inevitable that as legislation and opportunity arises, the duty will be removed from other public notices too.

We have made the Welsh Government aware of this serious issue. Editors have written to or met with representatives. Media company owners have spoken out, stating the move "cause significant damage to the provision of local news in Wales". The National Union of Journalists has warned the move will have "potentially far-reaching consequences". Today the Older People's Commissioner has also criticised the plan.

Yet the Welsh Government appears determined to press on. Tomorrow, Tuesday, the Senedd will debate the bill and vote on an amendment put forward by Conservative MS Peter Fox to strike out the clause.

Many Senedd members share our concerns over this bill and the serious harm it will cause journalism in Wales. We call on them to show their support by voting for the amendment and removing clause 20 of the bill.

We call on them to act tomorrow to save Welsh news.