A PENARTH home managed to raise more than £1900 during their summer fayre, thanks to the generosity of the community.

MHA Morel Court held their summer fayre to raise money for the homes amenities fund.

More than 120 people came through the door and supported the home, who managed to raise £1919.00.

Classic fayre items such as a raffle, tombola , jewellery, books and cake stalls were present as well as refreshments including hot dogs and burgers.

People from all ages came and helped to contribute by not just donating but offering their time as volunteers, manning the stalls.

The home provides residential care for 36 residents and raised the amount in five hours.

MHA Morel Court held their summer fayre to raise money for the homes amenities fundMHA Morel Court held their summer fayre to raise money for the homes amenities fund (Image: Supplied)

June Mansell, community coordinator said: “We are gobsmacked at the amount raised and had to count it three times to make sure.

“The fayre was lovely, everyone had a great time, it was a real family-oriented event, and we really enjoyed it.

“The community really got behind us, family members of residents have played a huge part in making the fayre a success.

“Our residents had a great time and when we shared with them the amount we raised they were really proud.

“The money raised will go a long way in arranging trips and activities for our residents and we will leave it up to them to decide what they want to do.

“I want to thank each and every one for their support and generosity in making the fayre a success.”