REMEMBER the man who filled thousands of rubbish bags selflessly walking the streets of the Vale litter picking? Well, he’s been honoured by a local caravan company for his efforts.

When we drove along Sully Moors Road between Barry and Sully, we noticed a man picking up litter on the side of the road and in a split second decision decided to pull over at the nearest responsible point and find out what he was doing.

His name was Will Dunn, and since the B&D’s recognised Mr Dunn’s efforts, he’s been commended by lots of people, including customers at Bay Caravan Park on Lavernock Road.

Office manager Lauren wrote to the B&D after many of her customers asked about Mr Dunn, 57, and it was decided the caravan owners would do a whip round to help him in his litter picking exploits.

They bought him a pair of new boots as well as giving him a little extra cash to “spend on himself”, however, if Mr Dunn wasn’t heroic enough, he didn’t spend that cash on himself, instead he donated it to a local cause.

Mr Dunn, centre, with a carav owner and Bay Caravan's staffer JackMr Dunn, centre, with a caravan owner and Bay Caravan's staffer Jack (Image: Supplied)

In his time litter picking around Penarth and Sully, Mr Dunn has filled over 3,000 bin bags and collected items including a fire extinguisher and a super articulated tractor tyre for which he had to drag out the bushes and leave on the roadside for the council to pick up.

Most common litter he picks up is coffee cups and bottles.

He told the B&D in May how it was disgusting what some people do and that when he was younger if his mum caught him littering, he’d get a smack!

Lauren sent her appreciation to Mr Dunn on behalf of all her customers.

“Just a massive than you,” said Lauren. “Absolute extreme appreciation for what he does.

“Many of our caravan owners have shown their admiration for all his voluntary work and many commented that we would all certainly notice if he were to stop!”

In his time, Mr Dunn has filled over 3,000 bags of rubbish! He started once Covid lockdowns were liftedIn his time, Mr Dunn has filled over 3,000 bags of rubbish! He started once Covid lockdowns were lifted (Image: Newsquest)

Lauren described how her customers were ‘shocked’ that Mr Dunn didn’t get more assistance in picking up so much litter and her customers wanted to help.

“We were shocked to find that Vale Council only provide Mr Dunn with refuse bags to assist him, so we started a collection at the park,” said Lauren. “It was surprising how many of our lovely caravan owners approached us to donate.

“It is such a shame that there is so much fly-tipping and littering in this lovely area so many of us call home.

“If only there was more the council could do to punish fly tipping – or perhaps even more wonderful people like Mr Dunn to lighten the load! If anyone sees him around, they should stop to chat with Will or ask if he needs anything. He really is such an approachable soul.”