THE OWNER of a business in Penarth has set up a petition to try save ‘parklets’.

Many businesses were furious when they discovered temporary outdoor seating area 'parklets', which are dotted around Penarth, are set to be taken away by Vale Council.

One of the businesses upset is Foxy’s Deli, on Stanwell Road.

Sian Fox has set up a petition to try save ‘her’ parklet and said she would ‘chain herself’ to it if the council came and tried to take it away.

One of the most infuriating things about this saga for Mrs Fox is what she describes as the ‘lack of communication’ with the council.

Mrs Fox said she only discovered the parklet outside her store was set to be taken down when a man in a high vis vest came over and started walking around it, assessing it.

Mrs Fox says the parklet outside her store, which, like Windsor Team Rooms, she plants up and maintains – paying a gardener to take care of her plants - is still vital to her business.

“People love the parklets,” said Mrs Fox.

“We get loads of trade because people still do not want to sit inside, and they are perfect for tourism in Penarth. You get off the train and the first thing you see is this beautiful structure with lovely flowers in it.”

Sian Fox with staff member Yuri does not want parklets to goSian Fox with staff member Yuri does not want parklets to go (Image: Newsquest)

Mrs Fox said parklets are still vital to her businessMrs Fox said parklets are still vital to her business (Image: Newsquest)

The crux of the matter is parklets were brought in as a temporary measure during Covid, something Vale Council reiterate now.

The latest line from the council remains they are looking into the best way to bring down the parklets and reuse them – they could be repurposed in schools.

The council has also told Penarth Times they will keep in regular contact with businesses about the parklet situation.

But this stance hasn’t quelled irate town traders.

Some are not to bothered about losing their parklet – such as Waterloo Tea Rooms, however others such as Windsor Tea Room are angry.

Windsor Tea Room owner Jason Payter spent £2,500 on his parklets furniture and £500 on the upkeep of the plants annually in what is considered one of the prettiest parklets in town.

Another business upset about the parklets going is Windsor Tea Rooms - considered one of the prettiest parklets in PenarthAnother business upset about the parklets going is Windsor Tea Rooms - considered one of the prettiest parklets in Penarth (Image: Newsquest)

He did the math and says between 2023 and 2024 his parklet generated £60,000, with £20,000 of that going to stock being brought from other local businesses in the town to supply the trade he gets from the parklets.

Mr Payter has a similar view to Mrs Fox, saying his customers are still unsure of sitting indoors now, over two years after the pandemic.

To sign Foxy’s Deli’s petition go to

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