There has been just one planning application submitted to the Vale of Glamorgan Council this past week in the Penarth area.

The application is to discharge a condition on previously approved plans.

Located at the former Albert Road Church, now Workspace Penarth, the plans are for a change of use to mixed office and community spaces.

Planning permission had been granted in 2022 for external alterations and window refurbishment and replacement as well as a change of use to B1a and D1 uses - mixed office space, community use spaces and lifestyle uses.

However, the application was given conditions, which included cycle parking provision (condition 11).

This recently submitted application focuses on discharging condition 11.

The proposal submitted by Workspace Penarth Limited seeks approval for the installation of facilities for the secure storage of cycles.

According to the condition, these facilities must be approved by the planning authority before the property is occupied.

The cycle storage must be maintained indefinitely, meeting the requirements of policies SP1 and MD2 of the Local Development Plan.

Details submitted to the local planning authority indicate that the development will provide two cycle parking spaces for building occupants.

These will be facilitated by two galvanised Sheffield toast racks, with a black finish set to the side of the main entrance.

The racks will be parallel to the black perimeter fencing and sign, as detailed on the proposed cycle storage drawing.

Further providing for user convenience, a dropped curb and a sloping path will be constructed leading up to the entrance of the building, ensuring easy access.

Workspace Penarth Limited, represented by Jon Hurley, believes the proposed bicycle storage will be sufficient for the building's occupants.

Given the demographic of building users, most are expected to use the facility for short-term parking or rely on other forms of transport.

Bus and train services are a short walk down the road in the town centre.

Approval of this application is currently awaiting consultation responses. More information can be found on the Vale of Glamorgan Council's planning portal and searching for the application number 2022/00077/3/CD.