COUNCILLORS are calling for a public consultation as it's been reveal Vale Council 'unilaterally' decided to remove Penarth's iconic street seating areas; parklets.

Councillors have said they want residents and businesses in Penarth to have their say in a public consultation before the Vale of Glamorgan Council takes the decision to remove 'parklets' (temporary outdoor seating area 'parklets') from outside Penarth businesses. 

Conservative Councillor Rhys Thomas of the Plymouth ward, said: “It’s disappointing that the council refuse to carry out a consultation.

Cllr Thomas said it is disappointing that the Council refuse to carry out a consultation.Cllr Thomas said it is disappointing that the Council refuse to carry out a consultation. (Image: Newsquest)

“They should be talking to business owners and people in Penarth to find out their views on parklets.

“I’m calling on the Council to see sense and actually engage with residents and businesses on this issue.”

Cllr Anthony Ernest, also part of the Conservatives who represents the Plymouth ward, added: “We believe that local people and businesses should be able to take part in a consultation process.

“These proposals should also come to the relevant Council Scrutiny Committee, so Councillors can have their say”.

'Showing signs of wear and tear'

Labour's Cllr Mark Wilson confirmed that the council has unilaterally "decided to remove these spaces."

A Vale of Glamorgan Council spokesperson said: “The parklets were installed to help businesses during the pandemic and three years on they are now showing signs of wear and tear. 

"They are not going to be removed immediately, the council is still considering how and when this will happen and will liaise with the businesses affected. 

“Parklets were always intended as temporary structures, introduced to help businesses during the pandemic.

"The council will work with affected business in the future to minimise any disruption.”

Petition to save parklets

Many businesses were furious when they discovered temporary outdoor seating area 'parklets', which are dotted around Penarth, are set to be taken away by Vale Council.

Sian Fox of Foxy’s Deli, on Stanwell Road, signed a petition to try and save ‘her’ parklet and said she would ‘chain herself’ to it if the council came and tried to take it away.

Sian Fox (Foxy's Deli) with staff member, Yuri, does not want parklets to goSian Fox (Foxy's Deli) with staff member, Yuri, does not want parklets to go (Image: Newsquest)

Some are not to bothered about losing their parklet – such as Waterloo Tea Rooms, however others such as Windsor Tea Room are angry that they will lose business after pumping money into their parklets.

Windsor Tea Room owner, Jason Payter, spent £2,500 on his parklets furniture and £500 on the upkeep of the plants annually in what is considered one of the prettiest parklets in town.

He set up a petition to preserve the outdoor parklet / terrace in Penarth.

Parklets are vital for Penarth businesses, according to Mrs Fox from Foxy's DeliParklets are vital for Penarth businesses, according to Mrs Fox from Foxy's Deli (Image: Newsquest)

He did the math and says between 2023 and 2024 his parklet generated £60,000, with £20,000 of that going to stock being brought from other local businesses in the town to supply the trade he gets from the parklets.