The Vale of Glamorgan Council recently made decisions on four planning applications in the Penarth area.

Here are the four decisions that were made between Monday, August 26, and Sunday, September 1.

Demolition of industrial units

An application to demolish and dispose of existing industrial units at Sunbelt Rentals Ltd on Llandough Industrial Estate, Penarth Road, has been approved.

The application, made by Terry Clayford, owner of Sunbelt Rentals Ltd, was made for the 4,935sq. metre site, which was home to buildings housing plant and industrial equipment hire, storage, and maintenance.

The proposal includes a replacement industrial workshop to be constructed.

This new building would be made from Kingspan insulated cladding panels with aluminium frame walls, a twin-layer, air-insulated, 700grm PVC roof with a Smart-Space lock-down system.

The workshop will be used for plant and tool storage and maintenance.

Conditions on approval include that before any work begins, a drainage scheme must be submitted and approved by the council and the council must be notified if any contamination occurs.

Rear extension

A bid to add a two-storey rear extension and single-storey side extension at 17 Woodland Drive was denied. The proposal also included plans to widen the existing hardstanding at the front.

The council said: "By reason of its design, scale, massing and form, as well as its prominence within the street scene of Woodland Drive and Woodland Place, the proposed two-storey extension to the rear elevation of the dwelling would represent an inappropriate and insensitively designed form of development."

The council added that the plan would have a harmful impact upon the appearance and character of the dwelling and the wider street scene of Woodland Drive and Woodland Place.

Rear garage/office

An application for a rear garage/office for 8, Windsor Terrace, Penarth, was approved.

Conditions include that work must begin within five years from the approval date and be carried out in line with the approved documents.

Also, the biodiversity enhancements stated in the plan must be in place prior to the first beneficial occupation or use of the building and be kept while the building is in existence.


An application for rear, side, and loft extensions to the existing dwelling at 7 Chantry Rise, Penarth, was also approved.

The development must begin within five years of the approval date and be done in line with the approved documents.

Biodiversity enhancements, including a bird box and hedgerows, must be put in place before the first beneficial use of the development and remain in their place while the development is in existence.

Windows must also be glazed on the side facing dormer if they are below 1.7m in height.