A pub in Penarth has applied to change its opening hours and premises licence.

The application was revealed on the Public Notice Portal.

JW Bassett Pubs and Bars Ltd, operating the Golden Lion at 69 Glebe Street, is seeking to revise their licensable activities times.

The proposed changes include extending premises opening from Monday to Sunday, 8am to 00.30am.

Supply of alcohol and provision of recorded music will - if approved - run from Monday to Sunday, 8am to 00.00am, while live indoor music will be offered on Sundays from 11am to 11pm.

Representations must be submitted to The Vale of Glamorgan Council by September 20. This can be done by emailing licensing@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk.

The Licensing Register can be inspected at the Civic Offices on Holton Road, Barry.

It is an offence to knowingly make a false statement in connection to an application.