The Vale of Glamorgan Council has approved one planning application in the Penarth area in the last week.

The decision applies to the property at 27 Heol Tre Forys, Penarth, a detached modern dwelling that sought full planning permission for a single storey rear extension and a refurbishment of the front elevation render to match the existing brickwork. There was previously an approved application, but this application was submitted after changes were made to the architectural plans.

The approved extension is planned to be approximately 5.8 metres in depth.

This depth will be split between a 2.2m extension to the rear of the property and a pergola that will project a further 3.6m.

The proposed extension will be 7.3m in width with a single pitch roof which will have a maximum height of 3.2m to the western side of the extension, and an eaves height of 2.5m to the eastern side of the extension.

Describing the further details of the approved development, the proposal includes the placement of a new window and an outdoor shower on the West elevation, new sliding doors to the rear and east elevations, and an outdoor kitchen situated within the pergola.

The extension will be set off the boundary with number 29 by approximately 4.8m.

According to the specified conditions provided by the council on approval, the development should begin no later than five years from the date of this decision, in compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The approved plans and documents include the proposed site location, floor and elevations, submitted on July 16, 2024, and the development must be carried out in accordance with these.

Additionally, certain biodiversity enhancement measures have been highlighted in a plan named as 'Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Enhancement Map' which should be carried out in full prior to the first beneficial occupation or use of the development.

This move is in the interests of ecology and to ensure compliance with Policies SP1 (Delivering the Strategy) and MD9 (Promoting Biodiversity) of the Local Development Plan.