A discharge of conditions application has been submitted to the Vale of Glamorgan Council as part of plans to create residential units at a Penarth hotel.

The application involves four conditions linked to developing the Station Hotel into six residential units.

These conditions concern biodiversity enhancement, additional details to amenity space, bins, bike store, hard and soft landscaping, and a landscaping management plan.

The submitted details are linked to a previous planning permission, ref 2021/01482/FUL, which includes the partial demolition of the existing building at 162 Windsor Road.

For condition eight, the applicant outlined specifics concerning bin storage, highlighting the design's intention to keep black bags dry between the Vale of Glamorgan's three-weekly collections.

The single bin store, to be shared by all residents, will also accommodate spare or filled recycling bags to maintain cleanliness and prevent bags from being displaced by wind or damaged by animals.

The proposed recycling store, with dimensions of W 164cm/ H 104cm/ D 52cm, is suitable for Vale of Glamorgan recycling bags and includes a storage area for glass recycling and food recycling caddies.

A total of three such stores are proposed on-site to be shared by all flats.